Mental Performance Program

The role of the mental performance program within the Dawgpatch Bandits Inc. (DPB) is to increase access to a collection of resources that contribute to psychological wellness and performance enhancement. This addition provides the DPB community with an accredited mental performance consultant, a contextually relevant build of content creation, an increased understanding of psychological theory that complements our methodology, and thoughtful access to mental health providers throughout the country. 

  • Pillar 1: The role of the mental performance consultant is to assist members of the DPB in increasing proficiency in a variety of cognitive processes and self-regulation skills, effectively building out a “mental toolbox” that is unique to them and translatable from performance to everyday life. 

  • Pillar 2: Tailored content creation provides the DPB community with contextually-relevant opportunities to train the mind and build a healthy lifestyle. This will be implemented through a Q&A series with DPB athletes who’ve engaged in a P2P challenge,  video reels, and visual models of other psychological performance and wellness related techniques.

  • Pillar 3: Psychological theory augments our mission and provides deeper meaning surrounding the maxim and ultimate mission of the DPB.

  • Pillar 4: The addition of a mental health directory ensures that members of the DPB and others who are involved in our journey have access to thoughtfully-paired mental health providers.

‘Waves & Self-Talk’ : Performance Psychology In-Action


Mental Health Resources